Results & Race Reports
Dava Way 50k
Saturday 9th November 2024
As it was questioned a few times on race weekend, we'd like to answer by saying we do think we must have made a deal with the devil and sacrificed our children in order to get such great weather at every MWU race! Starting a wee bit chilly meant the sunrise at the Spey river area at Anagach Woods was sparkling and glistening, then – boom! – as soon as our incredible runners hit the Dava moor, the sun was in full force; for miles and miles you could see such autumnal colours all the way from the Cairngorms to the sea!
What we are most proud of, however, is the 40% newbie to ultrarunning stat – to all you runners who had never done an ultra until our race on Saturday, thank you for choosing the Dava Way 50k! Not only that, but out of 293 starters, we only had 10 DNFs (Sorry for those who to DNF but we know you will bounce back like we have many time before!). This is huge considering how many people had never done an ultra before!
This is not only due to your hard work and grit in training and during the race, but the encouragement from your fellow athletes, as well as volunteers and supporters. We love our Moray Way community so much and a huge thank you to you all!
Overall, Adam Gray won in a blistering fast time of 3.26.01, with John Anderson in 2nd with a 3.33.18 and Callum Shaw was 3rd in 3.46.35.
In the women's field, Kate Mactear was the champion in 4.18.53, with Kirsty Walker 2nd in 4.35.24 and Zdenka Fraser close behind in 3rd in 4.36.38.
We had 2 photographers this year, taking stunning photos at least 3 times of you all we think throughout the course and finish line. Shout out to Stuart Ross and Ray Liversidge for capturing the memories and for the quick turnaround in editing and publishing!
If you forgot to pick up some race merch - hoodies, t-shirts and hats, you can order it from here and we will post it out to you.
Lastly, entries (and Dava Way early bird entries) are now open for the entire 2025 Moray Way Series here – we hope to see you soon!
Speyside Way Ultras
Saturday 17th August 2024

The Speyside Way races were once again a huge success this year! We had incredibly fast conditions – with it being a cool 17C (pretty low compared to our other events!) – and incredibly happy faces all around the course! Our Aviemore 100kmers were bright eyed and bushy tailed for their 5am start, with 19 finishing their courageous task to Buckie.
Results as follows:
- 1st place – Andrew David – 9.39.30 (just 3 minutes (!) shy of the CR)
- 2nd place - Andrew Banford – 10.32.14
- 3rd place – Craig Stout – 11.19.04
- 1st place – Heather Young – 11.46.55
- 2nd place – Jessica Acheson – 12.22.34
- 3rd place – Charlotte Lopez – 12.55.15
What we all observed at the finish line is just how fresh everyone looked, despite being up so early and travelling so far!
For the 50km, which started at Tamdhu distillery and finished with the 100kers in Buckie, we had 102 finishers, with some crazy fast times at the front of the race, with some cat and mouse activity from the gun for the males:
- 1st place – Adam Gray – 3.33.45
- 2nd place – Mathias Guillard – 3.36.05
- 3rd place – Billy Gibson – 3.41.41
For the girls, it was incredibly close between 2nd and 3rd, and there seemed to be a lot of happy tears all round:
- 1st place – Adeline Armstrong – 5.02.04
- 2nd place – Dawn Watson – 5.15.09
- 3rd place – Kathyrn Fairfield– 5.15.20
Moray Coastal Trail 50
Saturday 11th May 2024

We know we say this every race but the weather could not have been better [for supporters and volunteers] at this year's Moray Coastal 50 miler! Temperatures hitting over 23C and very little wind meant it was a war of attrition for these runners, particularly in the many exposed beachfront areas, and fuelling/hydrating was a huge factor in completing the spectacular challenge.
For the first time since the fruition of the MWU Series, we had a woman make the top 3 overall! Isabella Sheldon – who is actually coached but none other than the race director himself! – crossed the line 2nd overall, with John Anderson, who took the win yet again in an incredible 7.04.31 under those conditions.
Overall results were as follows:
- 1st male – John Anderson – 7.04.31 (interestingly, just 11 seconds faster than when we last won it in 2022!)
- 2nd male – Martin Morrison – 7.14.54
- 3rd male – Douglas Tait – 7.17.07
- 1st female – Isabella Sheldon – 7.13.29
- 2nd female – Caragh McWhirr (also coached by Kyle – this wasn't rigged, we promise!) – 8.02.39
- 3rd female – Jay Hairsine Wilson – 8.41.56
Thanks to everyone who supported and took part, and see you next month at the Moray Way 100 and RELAY event!
Speyside Way Ultras
Saturday 19th June 2023

We really do have a great track record of glorious weather at our races! Saturday was the day of the Speyside Way 100k and newly adapted 50k races, where runners start at Aviemore (100k) and Tamdhu Distillery (50k), following Scotland's fastest flowing River Spey, dragging themselves up breath-taking Ben Aigan, and then meeting the sea at Spey Bay to follow the coastline to the finish at Buckie.
To start, there was a gentle tailwind and a spot of rain, but you all realised very quickly that all waterproofs were to be removed as it was just too hot! The sun came out mid-morning and didn't hide too much after that… it made for a spectacular finish line atmosphere yet again, with lots of spectators and finishers dotted about the park with picnics chilling out, and deservedly so!
The winners of the 100k were as follows:

- John Campbell in 1st with an incredible 11.55.33
- Paul Nash in 2nd with a time of 12.14.28
- Craig Fletcher in 3rd not too far behind in 12.21.31
- Our only female finisher and champion is Catriona Clarke in 15.01.35
- And the 50k champions were:
- Grant Jeans in 1st with a fantastic 3.48.45
- Grant McKellar in great shape in 2nd with a time of 4.03.00
- Daniel Arbide, in a sprint finish with 4th place James Wordie, to finish in 4.19.28
- Isabella Sheldon made her way steadily through the field to finish 1st female in 4.43.11
- Sarah Milne in 2nd place with a 4.47.29
- Chloe Robertson completing the podium not far behind at all in 4.48.35
And we must say how incredible you all looked – so fresh despite the heat and distance ran!
All results can be found on our website here and our superb race images can all be downloaded free of charge in hi resolution here later in the week. In the meantime, you can view all the images on our photographer's Stuart Ross Media Facebook here.
We had 95 finishers which to us is just incredible, with a very small drop-out rate of 9%! Our volunteers are great at pushing people to their limits and as a community we all work together to get the best out of ourselves and Debbie and I love that so much – for that, we thank you and hope to see you at the Dava (Way 50k) on 11th November – you can still enter here.
As per your requests, more merchandise will be available on our online shop soon (we will keep you update on our socials) and we will be selling more at the Dava!
Happy recovery, everyone x
Kyle & Debbie (RDs)
Moray Way 100
Saturday 24th June 2023
A huge congratulations to you all for taking part in the Moray Way 100 & Relay on Saturday in what was one of the warmest conditions of the year and made for exceptionally challenging running.
A big congratulations to our winners John Anderson and Jenni Rees Jenkins in the 100 mile race and also to the relay team Real Deal Runners for completing in a new course record!
Individual Results:
John Anderson M40 Moray Road Runners 18:56:26
Andrei Tudose MS 20:57:04
Darren Stead M40 21:58:26
Jenni Rees Jenkins F40 Insch Trail Running Club 23:49:24
Maryann Devally F50 Serpentine Running Club 24:40:41
Kyle Sutherland MS 24:58:44
Ally Sutherland M40 24:58:44
Martin Cunningham M50 25:21:59
David Tweddell M50 25:36:28
Graham Reekie M50 25:36:32
Katie Turner FS 26:37:40
Dennene Huntley F45 28:15:12
Adele Blaikie FS Musselburgh and District Athletics Club 28:28:43
Kevin Mottram M40 Insch Trail Running Club DNF
Elisabeth Robinson FS DNF
Graham McAndie MS DNF
Alison Walker FS DNF
Andrew Will MS DNF
John Munro M50 Stornoway Running & Athletics Club DNF
Anna Downes F60 Loftus & Whitby AC DNF
Relay Results:
Real Deal Runners 13:19:35
United Express Deliveries Ltd 13:56:22
The Looney Dunes 16:07:01
Masters of the Dunerverse 16:46:32
The Infinite Project 17:36:04
Forres Harriers Dream Team 18:10:47
Forres Harriers 1 18:15:44
Easier Said Than Run 20:05:08
Erskine Eagles 20:12:43
Mugdock Mud Monsters 20:15:07
SMUGS 21:52:56
SMUGS2 21:52:56
Moray Coastal Trail 50
Saturday 13th May 2023
The Dava Way 50kSaturday 12th November 2022
What a way to end the 2022 series!
At 7.30am - just as the sun was staring to rise over the river Spey - 213 runners (of which 75 were female...another super impressive stat, ladies!) embarked upon their journey from the tourist town of Grantown-on-Spey, around Anagach woods, onto the Way itself, across the Dava moor, through Sanquhar woods, up (yup, up!) to Nelsons Tower, before finishing in the award winning Grant Park.
It seemed this time that it was a tale of two packs: the first half, who got a cloud of drizzle following them the entire route (refreshing was the feedback!), and the second half, who had perfect sunshine and rainbows the entire time! The finish area was brilliant sunshine with zero wind and continuous smiles from supports right up until the final finisher crossed the line with 3 minutes to spare before cut off... a hugely impressive feat! I'm led to believe the piper and drummer were just icing on the cake (a lot of which was consumed at the end with the finish line beers!).
Kyle was buzzing at his new custom made whisky barrel podium - again, from the course you run on during the Moray Way Ultras - along with bigger and better-than-ever-finisher medals (that the amazing marshals may have cursed at, trying to get clips through them), that were a great addition to the Windswept beer, Walkers shortbread, Active Root vouchers and Dava Way 50k neckwarmer goody bags!
John Anderson, on phenomenal form over the course of the series, took the new course record in 3.26.13, with Julian Barrable 2nd and Grant Jeans 3rd, both also under the previous record (along with 4th place John Hammond, son of the over 70s (and over 60s in fact!) champion/legend Malcolm).
For the girls, Fanni Gyurko took the win, with 2nd place Heather Imrie and 3rd place Lorna Robertson. Fanni is another great role for mums out there, with her daughter having just turned 1!
What we are blown away by is the amount of 1st timer ultrarunners - and runners who have never braved a marathon for that matter - that chose us as their 1st! It really makes us emotional and proud, so I want to say a big thanks to you all!
We think people are choosing us predominantly because of our volunteers. They are one in a million, the hardest working and most encouraging group of supporters we have ever come across. No one is ever just a number at a Moray Way Ultra - if you don't leave feeling like part of our family on the day, we didn't do our job right!
Thank you again for being a part of the series and we hope we see you next year at perhaps one of our other races, or back at the Dava to end your year on a high once again! Entries are live on the website.
Results for all runners can be found below, with our official
photos following shortly!
Speyside Way Ultras
Saturday 20th August 2022
Yet another weekend where we have been blown away by the MWU community! The day started in the Macdonald resort in Aviemore, when the 100kers were off at 5am. The sunrise as they were running through the Cairngorms was just magical! The 14 starters had 18 hours to make their way all the way through Speyside to finish in the finishing town of Buckie, and apart from 1 unfortunate DNF, they all made it with the 1st runner being within minutes of the record, and the final runner having half an hour to spare.
At 7am, the Classic 35 milers were off, and what started as a very breezy morning (a great tailwind might we add!), the wind died down and the sun glistened beautifully on the Spey to ease any pain that comes with such a huge challenge. Since we are renowned for our track record of perfect weather, the rain decided to cool our runners down for a quick 30mins so that they could re-energise for their climb up Ben Aigan, before the sun popped its head back out again to keep everyone smiling through the finish!
Our volunteers couldn't have been more amazing and supportive whether it was our sweepers, course markers or those at each aid station and marshal point, and the hundreds of seals supporting and cheering at Buckpool certainly lifted some broken spirits!
One MASSIVE accomplishment in our book was an almost 50/50 split in male and female runners! We are making history here, people!! This is something that should not be taken lightly and should be celebrated, embraced and normalised. You are moulding the future in the best way and for that, we salute you!
Top 3 females for the 100k were: Katherine Scheibner, Elsbeth McStay & Helen Wilkie
Top 3 males for the 100k were: Brian Stuart, John Anderson (Moray Road Runners) & Stuart Miller (Girvan Athletic Club)
Top 3 females for the Classic were: Claire Dunn (Metro Aberdeen), Caragh McWhirr (Metro Aberdeen) & Jennifer Campbell (Campbeltown Running Club)
Top 3 males for the Classic were: Grant Jeans, Kev Mottram (Insch Trail Running Club) & Paul Anderson
We cannot thank you all enough for being a part of our special day and we will see you at the Dava Way 50k on 12th November!
Results can be found below and images to follow.
The Moray Way 100 & Moray Way Relay
Saturday 25th June 2022
Another unbelievable weekend (not day!) at the Moray Way 100 and Moray Way Relays event!
It was our 1st year hosting a relay race so we were a little nervous but there was no need to be! The atmosphere was electric no matter what time of night it was, and the comradery and community vibes we got made us emotional! That, combined with a magical course and glorious sunshine, made it truly an unforgettable event...
Our individual animals set off at 5am and straight into the heat. The waves were glittering, sea turquoise and sand untouched. Runners got pretty hot as the made there was up Ben Aigen and down into whisky country through the forests, and when they hit the highest point at Dava they were told to look out for 5 planets aligning (the next time this will happen will be in 2040!). John Anderson looked fresh as always, we never saw him walk once, and he came through - still in daylight might we add! - in a course record of 17.16! Elaine Wilde was first female in 29.53, and was the most determined athlete out there at Edinkillie in order to make the cut off time, which she smashed!
Nine teams turned up at 11am, which was the perfect time to catch some of the solo guys at their darkest places to give them a morale boost! Their energy was incredible and we were hugely impressed by the size of their vans, team choices of fuelling (curries and champagne being a couple of examples) and attention to detail ie lamination of spreadsheets! Tactics were key in this race and the Newburgh Dunes Mixed Team took the win (and automatic course record) in 14.22. What they lacked in running name creativity, they made up for in speed! Fi's Flanci Fillies were first all females in 16.28 and were ahead of first all males team, the Newburgh Dunes Old Boys, who came in in 17.27 not looking a day over 25.
Our volunteers were second to none as always - we had 100 miles of terrain to mark and 30 hours of entertainment to provide, so without them we could not go ahead!
Thank you to absolutely everyone involved and we really hope to see you next year... But first, we have the Speyside Way 35miler and 100km on 20th August if you want a cool down!
Results can be found below and photos available here
Moray Coastal Trail 50 Race Report
Yet another spectacular day in the 2nd ever Moray Coastal 50 this weekend! You runners and volunteers didn't disappoint! With a lower number participating due to the "deferral year" curse, and with a couple of last minute drop outs from the 'vid, we quickly realised the runners that did make it were all quality and we didn't need quantity!
Whether you were defying the odds, breaking records, travelling hundreds of miles to visit us, or a local tackling the gruelling distance (you all know who you are!), you certainly made Debbie cry a few times throughout the day (edit: happy tears!). We are so so proud of each and every one of you. Furthermore, we only had two dropouts which is frankly unheard of! Statistically, a much larger figure should have DNF'd, but you Moray Way Family members are a tough bunch!
Thank you for entering our race, for training with us in mind, making all those sacrifices that comes with endurance sport, getting up early, showing up with a smile, running, not complaining about the 3 miles of hell, finishing looking like supermodels, sharing your stories, partying with us afterwards and making Debbie cry multiple times (edit: still happy tears!) and lose her voice today.
John Anderson was 1st overall in 7.04.48, with Keith Stewart 2nd in 7.42.46, and Jonathan Cordiner 3rd in 7.45.18. For the ladies, Alison Locke took the win in 9.21.20, with Caron Mutch cheekily grabbing 2nd from Angela Davidson in a photo finish and both with times of 9.36.51!
They say if you ever lose faith in humanity, watch a marathon. You guys did nearly 2 of those yesterday! This community is so special and we just love being a part of it! We couldn't have put it together without our volunteers either, so huge shout out to them!

Dava Way 50k Race Report
A HUGE thank you to all our volunteers, supporters and sponsors. And of course, a huge congratulations to all our runners if you managed to complete the Dava Way 50k, and even more kudos if you DIDN'T curse us at the top of Cluny Hill (we couldn't make it too easy for you!). We are overwhelmed by the phenomenal day we had and it wouldn't have been the same without you! Well done to Allan Christie and Nicola Macdonald for your wins and inevitable course records in the process!
For those who chose us as your first ultra, we are hugely
appreciative and hope you had a great experience. We would love to have you
again next year, perhaps even going up in distance. The Moray Way Ultras next
step up would be the Speyside Way Classic at 35 miles, then the Moray Coastal
50 miler, the Speyside Way 100k, and the longest being the Moray Way 100 (plus
or minus!).
Finalised race dates for these events will be confirmed this Friday, along with some more exciting news you won't want to miss! Stay tuned to our social media for more details!
HEAPS of photos on the media page!!

Moray Way 100 Race Report

Huge well done to all runners - especially our champions Jamie Pallister and Erin Rendall - both finishing looking like supermodels!
The race started at a calm 5am on Saturday morning, with severe weather warnings scheduled for later on in the day. Thankfully, a couple hours of rain wasn't enough to stop these superstars.
The 1st section was along the coast line as the sun was rising. The 2nd part was on the Speyside Way, which started off on runnable disused railway lines; a gradual uphill to zap the legs. However, after Cragganmore, the SW turned into a technical mud fest in the dark and on tired legs! The reward at the end was a downhill straight forward Dava Way, and a wee bump in the road in Forres before entering the finish line back at Grant Park.
We heard the Dava Way in the early hours were magnificent when you turned your headtorch off and looked up at the stars. Simply magical.
The support and camaraderie for this kind of race was unreal. We are particularly grateful for Arash and Christophe who sacrificed their race times to help out another runner.
We are also incredibly thankful to every single volunteer, who gave up (a lot!) of time to help with the race. We couldn't do it without you and appreciate you guys so much.
We hope you all enjoyed yourself and felt like members of the MW family.
This being our first year, we have so many takeaways and lessons learned, so be prepared for the Moray Way 100 to be bigger, better and a MUST DO race next year!
Speyside Way Ultras 2021 Results

35 Mile Results can be found here:
100k Results can be found here:
Moray Coastal Trail 50 2021 Results

Speyside Way Ultra 2020 - Race Report
What a day the 14th November brought to the COVID-19 edition of the Speyside Way!
After the previous Tuesday's announcement that different council areas were to be moved to tier 3 as of the day before the race, very last minute changes to race waves, timetables, buses, deferrals and refunds had to be processed, as well as trying our best to communicate all COVID measures with runners, volunteers, the Forestry Commission, Scottish Athletics and sponsors.
Stress aside, it turned out to be a great day in my 1st ever year as a Race Director! The weather was as perfect as it could be for an ultra race, 9C and light breeze (in the right direction!). Although the first couple of miles in the sheltered forest were a little muddy, the path and scenery opened up and the sun came out. Light showers hit towards the end to cool down the 2nd half of the runners, and the majority of runners beat the early sunset that November brings.
The runners, volunteers and minimal supports couldn't have been better behaved. No runners complained (to our faces at least!) about lack of "nice-to-haves" and everyone wore their masks as required for registration, bus travel, start line, aid stations and through the finish line. The marshals and support crews felt like family - although a lot of you I had never met before, you truly welcomed me to the Speyside Way community and the comradery and help you gave was second to none.
And back to the race - we had a course record!! Chris Richardson of Metro Aberdeen was the winner in a new record time of 3.56.51, with Jason Kelly in 2nd with 4.03.29 and Grant Jeans in 3rd with 4.19.55.

On the girls' side, Nicola MacDonald - also of Metro Aberdeen - took the female title in an impressive 4.53.11 (not many girls have broken the elusive 5 hours!) in her first ultra, with Sarah Simpson in 2nd in 5.38.45, and Jenni Rees Jenkins 3rd in 5.41.24.
With forest, mountain, water and sea, this race had a bit of everything, and we were so proud and fortunate we could put this race on after all the setbacks faced this year.
After the launch of the brand new Ultra Series, the Moray Way Ultras (, we couldn't be more excited after this weekend's taster! We hope we can welcome you to our 50km, 100km, 50mile or 100mile (as well as the original Speyside Way Ultra!) races next year - there is a race within the series that I'm sure will suit everyone.
Please support our amazing sponsors of whom below have offered the following discount codes for you to use:
Active Root Products: SPEYSIDEWU15
Windswept Beer: SPEYSIDEULTRA10
Thank you again for a great day - and a final huge thank you to our volunteers for being so patient and doing an incredible job with the race.
Yours in running,
Kyle Greig
Race Director, Moray Way Ultras